Saturday, 9 March 2013

Importance of Botanical Gardens

Importance of Botanical Gardens
Botanical gardens are the basic resource a nation who may have. Plants have been friends of all living beings since ancient of times. They had served the masses in providing the shelter food clothes and other needs of life.
Biodiversity is essential for an ecosystem to ensure its sustainability. Many valuable and priceless species are endagerd and many are extincted that have brought many losses to human beings and other animals.  

Fragrant Plants

Fragrant Plants
Grow beautiful fragrant and aromatic plants and make the environment fragrant
Among the many benefits of plants fragrance is a big advantage. Fragrance in plants is due to the presence of chemical compounds in flowers and leaves of plants which spreads in the air lik perfumes and makes it fragrant. There are many types of plants some of them are important for their fragrance. You can easily grow them in your lawn, garden and enjoy their fragrance. Some of the fragrant plants give fragrance to vast areas in environment/atmosphere. Fragrance in air helps the nerves to relax decrease frustration brings drastic change to mood and health. Remedies the polluted environment and helps to avoid the air being pungent and unhealthy. Therefore its dire need to plant more and more fragrant plants which are not only important for us but also for our environment society and collectively for our wellbeing prosperity beloved country
Gul e cheen has good fragrance spreads its fragrance far off. You can enjoy it from distance too. Similarly murwa has also good and wide spreading fragrance. Other than these there are Roses, Jasmine, Lady of Night, Motia, Mushk e been, Honey suckle ,Niaz boo, Alaichi, and other plants.
Location selection is important for plantation of these plants, Most of them are shrub and some are climbers, vine shaped. They can be easily planted beautifully at entrance, among poles, columns, balconies, window boxes, near patios, sitting areas, etc, important to note is that fragrant plants should be planted in the form of groups so that their fragrance and color effect could easily felt.  

Decorate your home with beautiful indoor plants.

Decorate your home with beautiful indoor plants.
                                                           Muhammad Imran Khan
Suggested titles
  • Decorate your living area with plants
  • Interior decoration with plants
  • Home’s interior decoration with plants
  • Interior plantscaping


 Plants are the lungs of nature. Nature beautifies itself by plants. Here is an outstanding process in which plants absorb environmental carbon dioxide and release oxygen which everyone requires for breathing. Oxygen is absorbed by our lungs, mixed into blood and provides energy to the whole body. Men living in oxygen rich areas are healthier then those in oxygen deficient places. Suffocation is the uneasiness felt by us due to lower concentration of oxygen in air. You can get healthy life and pleasant feelings simply by taking more oxygen which is provided by plants.Plants in green color and broad leaves provide more oxygen as compared to those with pigmented and narrow leaves.
With the absorption of CO2 plants also absorb dust, noise, and other harmful gasses etc.
Plants reduce the chemicals in the air.  Aglaonema, Aloe, Aphelandra, Asplenium, Chamaedorea, Dracaena, Ficus benjamina, Gerbera, Hedera, Philodendron, Sanseveria, and Spathiphyllum all reduce things like benzol, TCE, and formaldehyde.

The green color of plants have medicinally proved the best results on vision or eyesight. Electronic gadgets and ultra modern lifestyles have created some risks like uneasiness, sadness bored ness. These problems could be easily cured by planting attractive plants on different places either indoor or outdoor.

                                  Another extremely important function of plants is the environmental regulation. How does plants regulate the environment is simply by transpiration. Transpiration is the evaporation of water from the leaves of plants. Thus they maintain the humidity in air, keep the temperature down and put a soothing effect on body and sensations. The more evaporation of water from plant leaves means more chances of rainfall and coolness of climate. This way the scientists proved that plants lower the temperature of the area 3-4 ºC compared to the area without plants .
Plants shield house from heat robbing winds and  lessen electricity heating and cooling bills.

                                   Aesthetically plants are also very much important. The beautiful for, size, arrangement of leaves, braches and stem beauty of plants attract the viewers a lot. The mind is get freshed when we see these beautiful natural gifts.

                              Indoor gardening gives immense pleasure, thrill, bring intimate and natural association with plants, a matter of over joy, adds charm to the architectural beauty, and complements the interior settings. It is a useful and absorbing hobby. A source of exercising gardening adventures and brings permanence in the house. It’s the best way to overcome troublesome loneliness. Living and innocent friends like plants give the pleasure and concept of life to grow, attract, and benefit mankind.

Plants soften the harshness of buildings, walls, and rough textured constructions.
If hot colors used as paint that can be cooled by plants giving hot and cool effect simultaneously. Thus adding interest to be in such areas. 

The shining and pigmented brood and narrow leaved plants give a waving and eye catching feeling.


Proper arrangement and placement of different adds value to each plants and the whole landscapes.Plants bring movement and life to every room in your home.   However, you will be pleased by the whole picture only if there is harmony in the arrangement and color of the plants you have chosen.   Once you have learned how to take these things into account Select plants according to your nature, taste , and imagination plan.

The larger the room you are working with, the bigger and more numerous the plants can be. A single small green plant looks lost in a large empty space.   Several flowering plants in a basket or arranged in small pots on the same table can serve as a beautifully colorful accent to a room.   Treelike plants have great importance in the sense of decorating.   Large-leafed species like dracaena, philodendron or the banyan tree (Ficus benghalensis) can really fill up a sparsely furnished room or entrance hall.
In a small room, large plants are oppressive and take up way too much space.   To get the best effect, you should choose mid-size or small plants with large delicate leaves.   Put the plants where they are going to be visible.   Don’t put too many plants in a small space or it will get too crowded and your individual plants won’t make their full impact on the room.
Plants always look best against simple backgrounds. If they have large foliage they should be placed in front of wallpaper with a small pattern. Large patterned wallpaper calls out for filigreed leaves or ferns.   Even the Umbrella (Cyperus) would work for that. Wood-paneled walls like climbing plants arranged on a wood or bamboo support. These also look great by brightly painted walls.

Make sure your decorative scheme takes into account the way light enters your room.   If you put the plants in front of a bright, sunny wall, their shadows can create interesting and unusual patterns on the wall or ceiling or even plain carpeting.
Make sure the colors of leaves and flowers you choose don’t clash with your decor.   You don’t want to take expensive furnishings and wall coverings and reduce them by the wrong colored flowers in your pots. Place your plants by each other where they can compliment each other.   Put larger plants in the background of smaller plant groupings.   A little bit of ivy (Hedera helix) growing over the edge of a pretty bowl looks nicely casual.
Different furnishing styles take on different plants.   It’s important that you put the right plants into your decor to “complete the picture”.   Yucca, Schefflera and rubber trees (Ficus) fit in well with wooden furniture.   Flowering plants look great with a country style decor.   Bulbs and primulas in the spring and special geraniums in the summer work great here.   If you like the straight or gently curved forms of steel, glass, marble and varnished wood, things like the snake plant Sansevieria , Monstera , Dracaena and Guzmania work wonderfully.
Plants with simple gently curving lines work in art nouveau and art deco settings.   The flamingo flower (Anthurium) and peace lily (Spathphyllum) are perfect.   Furniture made of bamboo and rattan and oriental style shapes are perfect for exotic hanging plants like string of pearls (Senecio royleyanus) or wax plant (Hoya).   Traditional English or French styles go well with bushy, vigorously flowering plants like the cyclamen, carnellias, gloxinias (Sinningia hybrids) or begonias.
All you have to do is play around creatively with plants and figure out what enhances your style.   It’s really not that hard.   Once you start placing plants, you will know what goes with what and what doesn’t.

Ugly features like bad corners and unpleasant design mistakes which harm certain areas view , can be corrected simply ny plants, hanging baskets, walll side containers, above wall pots, base pots, can be used at such places.

Innovative ideas and collections of varying design planting pots which may be of different colours, textures, shapes, and sizes could be helpful. There are many characers and habits of different plants needed to be exploited, observed and broad range of of characters of plants. You can choose a plant of any character which you like the most.


Colour changes the perception sof space . colours dramatically alter the mood as they are closely linked to mind and emotions . cool colours have the ability to feel us relaxed while warm colurs stimulate muscular activity,lend cosy warmth to area and excites us as we all need to chill.

Plants with white leaves and flowers bright up the dark and shady corners.

Cut fronds ( cul foliage and branches with flowers and fruits) and leaves of pithosporum Hedera, Phomium and many more ,Asparagus, Ferns, Aralias, Aspdistra those often included in bouquets and can also be placed in state of the art vases , helping in multiple functions.

Agave victorial for indoor display.


Wash leaves to remove the dust, stains, dirt, and soot that clogs the pores . wipe wipe gently with damp cotton cloth. Put one hand under the leaf to support as you rub otherwise you will break the stenm or puncture the foliage. If you have shower , turn it on gently set plants underneath.

Most plants have a natural shine and do not need additional luster if kept clean. If a polish is to be used never use it on the underside of the leaves as it clogs the stomata underneath.

Keep the plants in trim by cutting the old dead leaves , the yellow lower leaves, and any brown tips.

Changing the arrangement of plants and places needs care regarding the plants requirement of food, sunlight and humidity.

Consult plant experts to check and know suitable place for each specie or variety you have and you should be well aware of feeding and other requirements of plants.

This is important because some plants are hardy which can bear worse conditions while others so tender and delicate that they cannot bear minute stresses.

Sapmle plants

Auracaria, Asparagus, Beaucarnia, Begonia rex, Calathium, Cholorophytum, Coroton, Coleus, Dracaena, Ficus,  Syngonium, Tradescantia, Senseveria,


Homes, offices, shopes, banks, hotels, restaurants, clubs and hospitals, universities, colleges and schools.

Harmonize home building .