Thursday, 21 February 2013

Promoting gardening, Let's join hands

"Gardening is how I relax. It's another form of creating and playing with colors" (quote)
Gardening is a passion for masses. It is important not only for plants but also for other animals and human beings. Habitat, shelter and living items make us all to be thankfull to gardening. Nature is being deteriorated by many of us in many ways specially by cut down of gardens,trees and shrubs. Instead of doing good we are doing bad by harmfully damaging lungs of nature.

Views and Inspirations 
A friend wrote
"When i started gardening firstly people on my street looked at me awkwardly for getting my own hands dirty... but now i see the whole street ( 8 Houses) getting hold of Malies (gardeners) and uplifting their lawns .I guess its that simple"

Another friend says

"For me it is like lightening one candle with another , we have to start with our family parents, siblings, children, then we have to enlarge the circle to our friends, neighbours , cousins , relatives ... this is atleast the minimum responsibility of every gardening lover. Giving them plants as gifts, guiding them, encouraging them will create interest for them. OR bare minimum we can pass it into our next generation through our childrenn, this should be part of their upbringing.

Hold something in your own back yard, invite a few neighbours or friends even kids .. plant some stuff with them and let them take it home .. they'll surely call you for advice on how to keep it alive or at least it will spark some interest in gardening .
Organize gardening workshops in schools , give free seeds,flowers and other stuff.
One thing that everyone can do ... When you have flowers, send them to your neighbour and the people living nearby.Cutflowers would be better.It'll urge them to grow their own flowers.


They include activities in schools, participating in flower shows, arranging good quality seeds, fertilizers for members. Its a long process and needs serious efforts and patience.

Trees, Prefferably they must be grown

Trees, Prefferably they must be grown .

No doubt trees are an utmost requirement and they have been serving the mankind since start. Living is directly associarted with trees. Importance of growing trees is open to understand for all.