Tuesday 16 August 2016


Designing a landscape isn’t easy, but we make it as easy as possible. How? We do it through a series of consultative meetings. And best of all, they’re FREE!

When you’re looking to change, upgrade, radically redo, or just make your garden more visually appealing, the first thing you do is go shopping! When we talk to people, they tell us that they go to the local garden center,Ret ailer, or ask their neighbor for advice and pick some plants that look pretty, smell nice, attract butterflies, create privacy, or any other number of reasons. That’s actually the worst place to start! What you need is a Plan! That’s why we’re here.

We’ll come to your home, meet you for a coffee or cup of tea and discuss your objectives. We’ll ask simple yet very necessary questions to get a feel for what you want, need, and wish you could have. Things like: “What do you wish to accomplish with your landscape?”, or “How much time do you want to spend in the garden?” or “Do you like flowering shrubs, evergreens, low growers, colour, perennials, annuals, ornamental grasses, stone, mulch, …?” Yes, the list of questions really open up the creative thought process. They’re necessary, and very VERY important!

When you go to the local supermarket, you take a list, right? You know what you want, and how much you need,… we help you create that list before a single plant is purchased or a shovel is stuck into the ground.

We’ll clarify boring details like slope, light exposure, hours of sunlight, micro climate constraints, soil conditions, and take detailed notes about these tedious details. We do this because we want you to LOVE your Landscape Design!

This is when it starts to get fun: We take a picture, or detailed measurements around your property. Then off we go… putting on our creative and very imaginative coloured glasses and set a date to come back with ideas.

All those little tedious details and questions we’ve asked go into creating a landscape that you can manage, live with, and love!

You pay for the design time, based on the complexity of the project, the total area that is under consideration and a few other factors… but … but… but… In the end, if we build it, the cost of your landscape design is $ZERO DOLLARS!!!! That’s right. Free. Gratis. No charge. We take the cost of the design off your final bill. Pretty cool, eh? Yes…. FREE LANDSCAPE DESIGNS!!!

And if you want to shop it around to other contractors… go ahead. You’ve paid for it.. It’s yours to keep and to do with as you wish. After all… they really are your ideas. We just bring your ideas to life.

Have a look at some of the simple designs in our images section. You’ll see Before, After, and in many cases, pictures of the actual landscape being built! That’s because people like what we do and love the finished product. Just look at the testimonials we present. Our work and quality stand the test of time, year after year.

                                                                                    Complex Design



Garden, Designs and Renderings                   Professional Landscape Design